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  1. I am very excited to give you an exclusive first peek at my new post-apocalyptic/dystopian series - The Burning Tree.
    What’s it about? To get a true idea, you’ll need to listen to the song. But let's just say, if you like reading books concerning insidious governments, EMPs, nuclear conflict, global warming and asteroid strikes, hopefully, it’s going to be right up your alley.
    I’ll have more information regarding its release soon. Until then, I really hope you enjoy the song, which is performed by the incredible Kim Bretton and written by yours truly and the amazing talent that is Lee Horrocks.
    To listen to the song check it out on my YouTube channel
  2. A big thank you to everyone who has left reviews and given such amazing positive feedback so far for Doomsday. It’s lovely to hear that some of you have now got new favourite characters in the Safe Haven universe.
    The book went Top 5 in Australia and Top 10 in the UK PA/SF charts, which was much higher than I anticipated considering the incredibly strong pre-orders.
    I’m getting close to completing the 2nd draft of the new book, and I’ll have some more info on that very soon.